Saturday, July 20, 2019

Midland, MI

Seven cousins, that seems to be the official count up to now. I love it when we travel and visit family and friends. We are still in Muskegon and are heading north to visit with my cousin Dena who is, if I have it figured out correctly, my third cousin on my father’s mother’s family. I’m constantly amazed by how far we’ve come in technology. Pat and I were stopping for breakfast on our way to meet with Dena when she sent me a text with her picture.

Trust me when I tell you that she has a wonderful smile. Of course, I had to send back mine with my goofy look.

Needless to say, we found each other and had a wonderful meet where we shared some memories of family. And no, she’s not one of those Cooper’s who don’t seem to want to meet other members of the family. She is one of the Ross clan. We met up in Cadillac which is about half way between Muskegon and East Jordan where she is currently on her summer holiday. Next month she heads back to the Detroit area where she lives. 

So, more cousins to come but these are those pesky Coopers. You know the ones, those that don’t want to meet. Well, I take that back these do want to meet, maybe because they are my first cousin’s family. Mike and his two sons Evan and Seth. Both of the boys have certainly grown since we saw them last and are into their own businesses. As soon as we get someplace that has Wi-Fi, I will be sending copies out of the family tree and stories. I’ve talked with other members and they all remember “The Colonel.” That was Colonel Airel (Chick) Burr Cooper, my uncle and grandfather to Mike who we met up in Ludington the other day. That brings our total of cousins met on this trip to seven, so far.

As I was getting ready to go out and play some golf the other day, I looked out the window and saw the strangest RV across the lot.

Ok, it’s not an RV, it’s a full-sized ship in our little boat channel and it’s spewing salt out onto the shore on the other side of the channel. Quite a site to wake up to, eh? What, you don’t believe that it’s a full-sized ship?

How about now? Yup, if you can’t make out the name, it’s the Algoma Compass and it’s one of the ore ships that ply the great lakes.

When we got back from golf the Algoma Compass was just finishing up with the delivery of salt and then she backed out of the channel and into the lake where she will turn around to head back out to Lake Michigan.

She has to get all the way out into the channel where she can swing the full length of the ship around to face outward.

It’s amazing how much salt she delivered. The dark mass on the left is what was left from last winter and the white stuff is what was just delivered. I believe there will be one more delivery this summer. That’s a lot of salt.

Pat has been getting together with her “yarn” ladies each week and has taken on a couple of projects. So, what’s new, and as I know she is enjoying every minute of her “projects” she is also complaining, no not complaining, just fretting? well I know there’s a word but It’s not coming out but I know she is having a good time. I know one project was her trying to explain how easy something was and then ending up doing it.

Both Pat and I have been enjoying all of the social events that our friends Al & Mary have been getting us involved in as well las the many card nights with Al & Mary. And don’t forget the many restaurants that they happen to have in the area the need to be appreciated. We are busy, busy, and busy.

I mentioned golf. I did happen upon #228 up in Fremont. Not the best of courses, but it did add to the total. I took this snap the day before the 4th of July while we were playing the Meadow course at the Old Channel Trail Golf Course up in Montague, MI.

I liked how the dead tree on the right stood out. 

This is the fourth time we’ve been to Muskegon and the first time we’ve taken the time to visit the USS LST 393 Landing Ship Tank that is located just down the street from our campground.

Yes, I’m a Navy guy, but the ship I served on was an aircraft carrier, a bit larger than this. However, it was fun to see how this ship had served us during WWII. I was amazed at how much they could put on her, with all of the tanks below decks and the trucks above decks, it was quite a few vehicles. This was also used to ferry troops and prisoners of war. It was a quick but fun tour, well worth the 8 bucks. 

We are currently in Midland, MI getting ready to head out for the much anticipated visit to Mackinaw Island for our 2 day stay and celebration of #50.