8/19 Yes, a bike tour! We have not been on a bike ride in years so, you can imagine that even a short four and a half mile ride is a major triumph for us.
We parked the truck along business route 1 across from the Naval Postgraduate School and started peddling towards Cannery row. Along the way we passed a parking lot that was loaded with old time cars that had been through an auction presented by Russo and Steele. Any of you car nuts have seen this on TV with collector automobiles going for very high prices.
After admiring the hundreds of cars, we continued on our way along the bay towards Canary Row only to come another spot we had to stop and take some more pictures.
Here we found some naked sunbathers out on the rocks enjoying the beautiful day. Many were frolicking in the water while others just lay about on the rocks and in the background were some wonderful buildings built up on the docks.
So many distractions, it’s amazing that we did make it all the way to the end of Cannery Row. We had some pizza down by the aquarium and took some snaps looking up along Cannery Row to prove that we had been there, also because we liked the view.
Did you notice that bit of brown building on the left? Well that’s where Doc lived and worked.
Don’t know Doc? Guess you are going to have to read some of Steinbeck’s work. Doc was his best friend and appears in the novels “Cannery Row” and “Sweet Thursday.”
That was mile 2.25 and the return trip was much the same as we saw on the way out so I’m closing with saying that we got home and realized it’s been years since we did that much biking and we knew it. Also, before I close I have to tell you about the camera we used for the photos. It’s our new phones. We just got the Galaxy S4 and they come with a 13megapixel camera. For general pictures, they sure fit the bill.